The Road to Recovery - Odea Earle Injury Lawyers

Legal Blog Post:

The Road to Recovery

Thursday May 8th, 2014

You’re an active person. You run regularly, hit the gym when you can, and love the outdoors, even in the middle of winter.

Suddenly, you’ve been injured. Maybe you’ve been rear-ended, sideswiped by someone on the highway, maybe struck by a car while riding your bike. In any case, in the weeks following the accident, your body hurts in more places than it did after you ran the Tely 10.

Maybe you’re thinking ‘Where do I go from here?’ Or ‘How do I get back on my feet, get back to enjoying being physically active and energetic?’ The answer isn’t always straightforward.

If you were injured while driving your car, your own Section B insurance will often provide you with therapeutic services they deem to be ‘medically necessary’ to help you recover. Usually, this includes basic physiotherapy and massage therapy.

Once this is exhausted, or if you do not have insurance coverage, you will need to either pay out-of-pocket, or obtain coverage from the responsible party’s insurance company. This is often easier said than done, especially if that party is contesting liability for the injuries. On top of all of this, you may be entitled to treatment and medication coverage from your own private health insurer.

Sometimes, especially if you are an injured athlete or otherwise were physically active before your injuries, you may need advanced medical intervention to get you back to your previous level of fitness. Insurance companies don’t always understand that you’re not only trying to recover from an injury, you’re trying to keep physically active.

That’s where O’Dea Earle comes in. Our lawyers have experience dealing with multiple insurance companies to make sure you get access to the treatments you need to get better. Make it our fight, so that you can focus on your recovery.

After all, the spring training season is only beginning.


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